Thursday, June 17, 2010

5 Months!

Lincoln is now 5 months old and the happiest baby ever. We are so thankful for every day with him! He is still on the large side...about 18-19 pounds. Between our daily walks and just lugging him around, that's about all the working out I can handle for the time being! He has just started eating fruits and veggies and is really getting into it. He is sleeping in his own room as of about 2 weeks ago and doing so well. He loves his walker and exersaucer and has just started trying to jump in them. He especially loves it when he really gets going and everything shakes and makes lots of noise! He gets really excited about toys, but sometimes gets a little too revved up and beats them against his barbaric!

He loves to kick as hard and fast as possible. He loves to give Mama and Daddy big wet kisses and "hugs" the kitties. Everything excites him and he loves to test his vocal ranges. He loves singing songs, his favorites being "6 Little Ducks", "Where is Thumbkin?", and "Wheels on the Bus". The child never stops laughing and we are loving every minute of it! We are spending our days doing lots of fun summer things and hanging out with family including his cousins who he loves so much!

Happy guy in his walker!

At Chris' Birthday party at Barley's. Happy 31st Chris!

Mimi's hands are full!

I love these girls! Usually my hands are busy lately, so I savor all the snuggle time I can get with Maeve & Elena.

Good job Chris!

My sister decorated the table and we got the girls to try on the owl masks. Elena was actually turning her head side to side saying "Whoooo!"

Maeve tried it too!

Our little 5 month old man rolling over. When you put him on his tummy, he immediately rolls to his back. A week ago, he could barely do it and now you can't keep him from doing it. Funny how quickly things change!

First tastes of food...bananas! Funny, he likes carrots better...who raised this kid?

We went to Destin for a family reunion on my Mom's side...26 people...crazy, but super fun! Lots more pics of that to come. We had a photographer come and do beach pics so once I get a hold of those, I'll post.
First time in the Johnny Jump Up in Destin! He was a fan!

Lots of the family went on a deep sea fishing trip. Here they are with their all their loot. Yikes!

Dad and Nate on the fishing boat

Our happy boy loves the pool!

Poolside for Lexi's birthday bbq! Of course, I don't have any pics of the bday girl.



Ash and mom had the kids do crafts and they made a hat for Lincoln!

First tastes of cereal were at the beach, he was a fan, but has since dismissed it!

He loved being on the beach, mostly grabbing at the sand/tasting it!

He doesn't miss many meals...

These girls were so busy, it was hard to get a still picture of them. They had such a good time!

Sweet Maeve!

Tasting the sand

The hat might have done its' job too well! At least he didn't get burned!

And done!

Last few nights of swaddling before he moved on to his sleep sack...which has been wonderful!

Deedee and Cassidy at the pool

First steps in the pool!

Love that exersaucer...and those hands! They are always in his mouth!

Can't look away for a second! Speaking of which, Titus decided it would be a good idea to stand on top of our 2nd story balcony railing that overlooks the foyer. Yep, he fell. Luckily Nate was standing right below and caught if the baby wasn't enough to worry about. Keeps us on our toes!
Daddy is so comfy!

Shirley and Roger came in to visit for Lincoln's baby dedication and were Elena's chosen people for lunchtime at Panera. More pics of that to come, I need to get a hold of Ashley's memory card!

Yes, these are really old, but I realized I hadn't posted them. First Easter Bunny pic!

The little gown Lincoln is wearing is what my Grandad came home from the hospital in when he was born. My sister took some great pics of them together. Also, the little dog in the picture was Gigi's and the little bear was Grandad's when they were kids.

We love snuggle time!

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