Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, sweet boy!

We now have a big 1 year old! We are so grateful for our sweet, silly, healthy, goofy boy! It has been an amazing and lightning-fast year and most definitely the best one yet!

He was hesitant at first, but once he realized he could just dig in to his little owl smash was on!
Official Birthday Boy Stats...
Weight: 25.4 lbs (82%) aka...giant
Height: 29.8 inches (51%)
Head: 47 cm (68%)

And then the stuff that really matters...
Lincoln is the most kind hearted little guy. He is still a super snuggle-bug and has the most amazing and precious laugh...which he lets us hear all day to our ears! He makes loads of kissing sounds and has started making the fish face to go along with it. He LOVES his kitties and will even say "kitty" and "meow" sometimes. He says "mama" and "dada" numerous times a day! He has just started saying "Doh" meaning "no" and also shakes his head while grinning. But he just copies us saying it, he hasn't started saying it to us yet. He has just started clapping his hands and is quite thrilled with himself! Once he claps and sees us cheer for him, he claps more to celebrate all the good clapping!

He has been walking a little since about 10 1/2 months, but started really moving the day after his birthday. He can pretty much get anywhere without falling now! Busy Busy! He has 6 big teeth that he shows off all day long...and he knows how to use them. Since he doesn't go to daycare, mama & daddy are his main playmates and we love every minute...the 3 of us are pretty tight! He loves everyone in our families...but most of all...he LOVES his big girl cousins! When Elena, Maeve, or Cami come around, his whole world lights up! He roars to get near them, hug them, lick them, and now run around with them! We are so thankful to have family right here for him to grow up with.

Our lives have been so blessed this year and we can't believe this is just the beginning! Happy Birthday to our Big Boy!

I am posting a few pics of his little family party, but my sister took more to come!

adorable rocker from my parents

sporting his birthday crown made by Aunt Ashley
Year 1 in his dinosaur birthday shirt

I made homemade birthday signs...this one says "I am one" not lamone...should have put spaces!

We had everyone in our families fill out some questionairres that I think he will love to read when he's older. What size shoe will he wear? How tall? Favorite subject? Career?, favorite sport? Apparently he is going to be a giant basketball player that studies girls and gym!

smash cake!
owl cupcakes

We had a wonderful day before the party...building a snowman and playing at the library and playground!
Our favorite thing...a new friend named Lucy was swinging right along with Lincoln.
They were both a little unsure
Serious slider...1st time going down a real slide. Mama was very nervous. Nathan rode halfway down and then I got him from here.
baby slide...more like it!
"reading" at the library. mostly he just wanted to push the chairs around.

wallowing on monkey pillow. we have no creative names for his toys. bunny, lion, giraffe. We need cousin elena to come over and name our stuff.
He LOVES his kitchen! It was a Christmas present from mimi & poppy. He loves to just watch the grill light up. Putting his head in the grill is probably not the best thing to teach, however...

opening his first present on his birthday morning
Good morning, birthday boy! He always wakes up so happy!
Putting his 1-year measurement on the new growth chart I made for his birthday

The rest of the pics are from before his big day.
hmmm...where did his cup go? Look closely.
Just in from the fields...
best purchase ever!
Right before the big beard shave!
It's super fun to wear Daddy's hats!

We love bathtime!
Reading his very favorite book...Peek A Who???
Happy Birthday to my Dad and Elena also! January is full of birthdays in our family. Elena's 4th bday was the 17th and her party is coming up Saturday! My dad's was on the 7th!
Silly Cami!

I forgot this one in my Christmas post. Lincoln was a sheep in a Christmas song at Roger and Shirley's church. Cutest sheep I've ever seen!
Poppy was out of town for his actual birthday, so we sent this to his phone. They were all a little out of it after a big playdate!
That's it for now! More bday pics to come!

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