Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hilton Head Trip

We just got back from a weeklong trip to Hilton Head with Nathan's parents. We did a lot of lounging and eating...our favorite kind of vacation! Thanks to Roger and Shirley for letting us come along on their trip! Our little guy is getting in his top 2 teeth and had fever so wasn't feeling quite like himself, but he still had so much fun playing with RaRa and SheShe!

This is probably my favorite picture from the two guys are quite fond of eachother!

Lincoln is a huge goofball, so he always has big open mouthed smiles...but the little closed mouth ones are some of our favorites!

Crazy beach hair!

First time riding a carousel in a mall on the way home...our malls need to get with the program.

There were some amazing sunsets

Trying a lemon...surprisingly he wanted more after this!

I love the way he crosses his ankles

Eating puffs in the restaurant booth...he looks like he just got busted for something. Nathan was so proud of him at this place...our server (a really cute girl) was bringing us the check and she stopped mid-sentence and looked down suddenly to find our little guys' hand on her hip, just feeling the material on her skirt, but he had a look of mischief in his eye...and it begins.

I can stand up! Hazaa!

Outside the Old Oyster Factory...where I had the best dish ever...the grilled shrimp appetizer with lemon must get it if you eat there. Clean and cozy!

Trying out the sand

He does like the ocean, but he always takes a while to figure out his surroundings...lots of looks of concern...
Ready to head to the beach!

We are mean parents
What can I say...putting stuff on babies is funny and always will be.
Loving a stuffed animal shark at Crazy Crab. He was laughing so hard, everyone in there was looking over...and thinking how adorable he was I am sure :)

His new trick of getting up on his toes, who needs to crawl when you can do yoga?
Feeling his teeth coming in
Again...we are mean.
Downward facing dog

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