Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A pirate, a skunk, Greekfest, and 300 feet.

So, I usually get the brunt of the gross baby stuff...just my luck I guess. I'm thrown up on almost daily, peed on, pooped on, etc. So, I love that Nathan finally had a really gross baby moment. He was playing with buddy on the floor, sitting behind him with his knees up to keep him from toppling over. Lincoln turns around and throws up with perfect aim straight down Nathan's shorts. My husband...who usually springs into action when needed...sat frozen saying "this is the grossest thing ever." And it really was.

He loves to feed himself!
A good shot of his pre-crawling yoga moves. By the way...he is crawling big time now! Video to come soon!
His first craft...we made a nature hat at Books & Blooms.
Our sweetest sleeper...with Bunny and Lion, as always.
A little preview of his Halloween costume...cutest skunk ever.
Elena is so excited to trick-or-treat with Lincoln this year because she wants to walk beside him holding her nose.

At Cami's soccer game...they won! However, Cami was much more interested in what Lincoln was doing than in playing soccer. She loves her littlest cousin!

The cherry picker Dad rented...because it's completely necessary to go 300 feet in the air to properly clean the gutters. Here they are pre-most dangerous thing Lincoln has ever done.

Hold on tight

My heart was pounding the whole time and I wasn't even up there! Although Nathan did admit (after everyone was down safely) that it was a little scary with a squirmy baby up there. Trying to give mama a stroke!

Mom and Dad have loads of girl dress up stuff and decided it was time to start getting boy stuff. However, Elena has been prancing around wearing the full pirate costume.
Greekfest! One of the tastiest events of the year!

Maeve modeling her new belly dancing skirt.

Miss Elena and Cami both chose pink, of course.

They were hesitant at first, but once we all got out there, they were very into dancing and shaking their new skirts.

Sweet cousins.

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