Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A year ago today, Nathan lost his father, Bill "Chief" Hardman. Bill spent his days hunting, fishing, loving the outdoors, and teaching others to do the same. He showed Nathan how to do those things, but also how to see the world in a different way. Like Bill, Nathan notices life everywhere he looks. He can hear a squirrel, spot a hawk or a deer before anyone else and while he has a great appreciation for the animal, he immediately jokes that he wishes he had his gun with him...just as his Dad would do.

He taught Nathan how to hunt and prepare his own dinner, but also how to respect the animal in the process. Bill was a man with a tough exterior, but a soft heart. A man who would act indifferent, but would secretly keep notes and cards sent by loved ones. His beloved dogs had cabinets full of treats and each had their own couch to sleep on. He was a man who valued time with his friends, who he thought of as family, and cared deeply for all of them. Every night, after a long day of work on the nursery, he had everyone over to eat and share stories. He taught English to some of the Spanish speaking workers and cooked them an American Thanksgiving meal each year. He helped offer the means for several of his friends to attend college and offered help to others in so many different ways. During his final hunting trip to Colorado, which he looked forward to more than anything, he spent the entire last day leading a lost horse down a mountain, in the snow, for miles and miles, back to his owner.

These are just a few of the stories I have had the privilege of hearing about a man I did not know very well. I know that he was incredibly proud of his son and I know that he would have loved to see what an amazing father Nathan has become. We have been so blessed by our sweet Lincoln and our only regret is that Bill passed away 2 months before he was born. We would have loved to see him meet his Grandson and we know he would have been a proud Puca! Bill, you are greatly missed and will never be forgotten.

The Lord's Prayer, translated to the Creek language
Pu'rke hvlwe liketskat,
ce hocefkvt vcakekvs.
Cem ohmekketvt vlvkekvs.
Mimv hvlwe nake kometske momat etvpomet yvmv ekvnvn oh momekvs.
Nettv vrahkv tvkliken mucv nettvn pu'mvs.
Momet pum ahuervn es pum wikvs,
vhuericeyat es em wikakeyat, etvpomen.
Nake pu naorkepuece taye eskerretv 'sep oh ahyetskvs;
momis holwakat a sepu'ssicvs.
Ohmekketvt, yekcetvt,
momen rak'ketvt cenake emunkvt omekv.

Nathan & Novato on Bill's porch
William Cecil Hardman
Bill's house

Pond outside
His friends at the nursery planted a sycamore tree in his honor at the Memphis Botanical Gardens. It was beautiful.

At first, we had trouble finding it. But then we noticed that one tree seemed to have a light shining on it (as you can see in the picture) and sure enough, it was the one!

We visited the nursery last week and let Lincoln meet lots of Bill's friends. This was one of Bill's closest friends, Ray. He doesn't usually hold babies, but Lincoln is special! He loved Ray's mustache!

With Niki, Brian, and Niki's mom.

The initials, one of the skulls, and a painted door have been moved to a barn as the house has someone else living in it now.

Lincoln enjoyed a pony ride during the nursery's fall festival

Meeting Rachel, Ray's wife, and another one of Bill's closest friends.

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